Car upgrades

Users are able to upgrade their NFT cars thereby enhancing the car attributes. This can be done in the upgrade section.

Upgrades are done using bpad and bswap tokens which are thereafter burnt removing them from circulation.

Upgrade Formula

The upgrade section utilizes Compound system in ensuring an even and fair system for all upgrades.

BASE UPGRADE FEE: 150,000 BPAD or 150,000 BSWAP

UPGRADE: Upgrades increase the specific attribute by a constant 5%. Subsequent upgrades increases by 50% of the previous upgrade fee while the attribute upgrades by constant 5%.

Upgrade Fee

The upgrades fee are burnt to decrease the amount of token in supply and provide scarcity thereby increasing the value.


John intends to upgrade Land Slider top speed from 40. John upgrades using 150,000 BPAD tokens and the new top speed is 42. If John decides to further upgrade, John will use 225,000 BPAD or BSWAP (50% increase) to upgrade the top speed from 42 to 44.1.

Last updated